

As my culinary jigsaw mystery progresses each week I like to keep a record of what I made and how it turned out. I have found that a cooking journal/foodlog is a great way to remember what you made and who came over to share the meal. I also like to include the wine that we drink. It is fun to go back and see all the different creations that I have made.

I like to organize my food journal in two main sections 1) the food journal chronicling the finished products; 2) a section where I include all my list of things in the fridge and the outlined menus for the week.

I like to think someday when an archaeologist or a geneologist finds my food journal they may have some, if only slight, insight in the world we lived in in 2006.

Keep a foodlog!

More food to come next week- I will be out this weekend enjoying cafeteria style 4-H camp food. Perhaps I will be inspired with some broccoli casserole or mac n' cheese. YUM!

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