
Brokeback RANCH

Well it's Oscars' weekend and in its honor and in honor of all the gay cowboys out there I've decided to indulge in my two temptations-- Ranch and Cowboys. Well maybe just the former.

I love a good falafel stuffed in a pita with lettuce, tomato, cucumber and a twist of ranch dressing.

Not quite the mid-east tahini but I like to call ranch the tahini of America!

YUM! I love a good middle-eastern taco with American Tahini!

So to all you cowboys, cowboy lovers and all ranch lovers I eat in your honor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi luke, i've seen your comments on the kitchen, where i go by liz. apropos of nothing, i see you are from louisville, a town about which i would like to know more. (i'm planning to relocate away from nyc this fall, but i don't know where yet--just trying to make a shortlist.) obviously it would be ridiculous to conduct this conversation in comments, so click on my blog for my email address if this isn't too odd. it is not creepy or pornographic. cheers, liz.