

It is spring. I know because 1) the farmer's market is open and 2) they had Sorrel. I love sorrel. Little green leaves packed with lemony punch. Each bite is like biting into a lemon. I love a sorrel.
But you have to get it while it is in season, there is only a small window of time during the spring when you can enjoy the greatness of sorrel.

I like sorell by itself. No fuss, no dressing- naked sorel. Its also good added to a spring green salad mix. .

Today I enjoyed a sorell salad with a light vinegerette (brown sugar, dijon mustard, white wine vinegar, lemon juice); roasted asparagas topped with a poached egg (follow julia's directions in the art of french cooking- perfectly poached oeufs result all the time) and delicious Kentucky bacon!

Welcome Spring, Welcome sorrel!


Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and I like it. But I HATE sorrel...Maybe I didn't have the perfect springtime sorrel though. The last time I had it was when a friend served sorrel soup for a group of friends. We all had a taste and didn't know what to say. Then SHE tasted it. It was sooooo bitter that it was unedible. Luckily she grabbed it away and we tried to forget about it.

Check out my blog too:

Luke said...

i agree- i don't much care for the traditional ways of preparing sorrell- soup etc. But if you get your hands on fresh sorrell just eat it raw it is like biting into a perfect lemon- citrus explosions in your mouth!